Carolina DX Association W4DXA

EDT - -      GMT

2025 CDXA ARRL Contest

To improve skills, promote CDXA on the world stage, and have fun. Scores are determined by the ARRL official results for both the CW and Phone contests.
ARRL rules require competitors in the club competition to be within 250 miles of the "club center", which in our case is Grid EM95xe. Before the contests I send the ARRL a list of all our members who meet that criterion, using the center of the six digit grid square of each members QTH as their location. CDXA members in good standing, within the "ARRL Circle", and with annual dues paid by the ARRL DX Contest - CW are eligible for prizes. If you aren't sure if you're in the circle, here's a tool that will quickly give you an answer:
Data Source
The official results published by the ARRL. The CW contest starts on Friday, February 17 at 0000 UTC (1900 EST Feb 16) and ends at 2359 UTC (1859 EST) on February 18. The Phone contest will start at 0000 UTC on March 2 (1900 EST March 1) and ends at 2359 UTC (1859 Z) on March 3. We need as many CDXA members as possible to participate to add to our total club score. Participants must include the "Club Name" - "Carolina DX Association" for their submittals. For a member participating in a multi-op station their score will be 1/X where "X" is the number of operators. Remember that even if you only make a few contacts it will still help CDXA's club standing.
CDXA CDXA established a number of prizes for participation. The awards will be in the form of Amazon gift cards as follows:
  • Top Combined CW plus Phone - $50 Gift Card
  • Top CW score - $25 Gift Card
  • Top CW score, low power - $25 Gift Card
  • Top Phone score - $25 Gift Card
  • Top Phone score, low power- $25 Gift Card
  • 1000 or more QSOs - $25 Gift Card
  • 500-999 QSOs - a chance in a raffle for one of four $25 Gift Cards
  • 250-499 QSOs - a chance in a raffle for one of two $25 Gift Cards
NOTE: You can only win one prize.

Ray Weeks, N4APR
Carolina DX Association
5010 Sharon Rd. D 401
Charlotte, NC 28210
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